Why the Stress-Strain Curve is called a Stress-Strain Curve and not a Strain-Stress Curve?

The stress vs strain curve is a famous and useful diagram/curve used widely in material science, engineering and/or physics to describe the relationship between, well, the stress and the strain.

For those who don’t know a thing about all these, I’ve prepared a background discussion here:

Background Discussion

What is Stress?

When some amount of load (or force) is applied on a body the pressure that gets produced due to loading is called, in simple terms, the stress.

It has unit of \(\frac{N}{m^2}\)—SI unit that is. Which is just the unit of pressure, no? Yes—stress is kind of the same as the pressure on a body. This unit is also known as $Pa$ (Pascal).

Let’s consider the figure below. Fig 1 Here the body is being applied a force of $P = 25 N$. The area (at which the load is being applied) is: $A = 50 \times 50\ mm^2 = 25\times 10^{-4}\ m^2$.

So, the stress here is:

$\sigma = \frac{P}{A}$

$\implies \sigma = \frac{25}{25\times 10^{-4}} \frac{N}{m^2}$

$\therefore \sigma = 10,000\ Pa = 10\ kPa$

What is strain?

Strain is just the ratio of the deformation of a body to its original length, which is under a certain external load (and thus, certain external stress).

Strain has no unit. It is thus called dimensionless.

The body with length $L$ shown below (phase 1)—upon being applied external stress—elongates to length $L'$ (phase 2). So, the elongation becomes $\delta = L' - L$.

Now the strain will be:

$\epsilon = \frac{\delta}{L}$

So what’s all the fuss about?

Well, we generally