Argument Writing

Sentence \(\rightarrow\) a group of words. eg, My name is Ryan.

Paragraph \(\rightarrow\) a group of sentences, that:

  1. starts with an indentation, and
  2. are about the same topic.


\(\ \ \ \ \)My name is Ryan. I am from Ottawa, Canada. I have been living in Dubai for 2 years. I speak three languages, namely—English, Arabic, Spanish. I had been to five capitals in the last two years—London, Washington, Ottawa, Dubai and Asghabat. As you might have already guessed, I do like to travel a lot. But I also have a knack for programming and general IT related stuffs.

Essay \(\rightarrow\) a group of paragraphs. important things to remember when writing essay are:

  1. each paragraph is different,
  2. each paragraph has its own job.
  3. an essay has at least 4 paragraphs. Introduction, Body 1, Body 2, Conclusion.
  4. Body 1 and Body 2 paragraphs have different arguments than each other.
  5. Introduction is a statement of introduction.
  6. Conclusion is a restatement or the summary of the arguments in Body 1 and Body 2.


  1. has to have 4 specific sentences
  2. has to have 4 different ideas
  3. sentence 1: Background statement (gives some general information about our topic)
  4. sentence 2: Detailed Background statement
  5. sentence 3: Thesis sentence (most important sentence in the entire essay) \(\rightarrow\) what we are trying to prove | eg. (Yes) Dubai is the most expensive city to live in
  6. sentence 4: Outline sentence (tells the reader what topics we’re gonna speak of in the Body 1 and Body 2 paragraphs) (should contain the topics of Body 1 and Body 2)

Body 1:

  1. sentence 1: Topic sentence (subject that supports our thesis) | eg. talk about real estate, how it is expensive in dubai
  2. sentence 2: Example sentence(s) (must be true in real life) \(\rightarrow\) evidences supporting the topic| eg. real estate in dubai has risen in cost by 100 pc in 2 years
  3. sentence 3: Discussion (hardest sentence in the paragraph to write) (links the example to the topic) | eg real estate is one of the factors that are making dubai the most expensive city in the world or clearly this is saying that dubai is the most expensive city in the world
  4. sentence 4: Conclusion (links the topic to the thesis) | cost of real estate is making dubai most expensive city in the world

Body 2:

  1. same outline as Body 1
  2. except that it has a different topic
  3. ie. same Topic, Example, Discussion, Conclusion sentences
  4. body 2 might be about transportation


  1. sentence (1-2): Summary (retelling the two supporting topics briefly)
  2. sentence 3: Restatement of thesis (saying the thesis in different words)
  3. sentence 4: Prediction or Recommendation, whichever fits the essay-topic